The information displayed on the Real Estate on-line pages are prepared from the inventory of real property found within this jurisdiction and is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, other public records and data.
Users of this service are hereby notified that the aforementioned public record information sources should be consulted for verification of the information contained on the associated screens. Due to production timing and other circumstances, this information may not necessarily reflect the current taxable record.
The county does not assume any legal responsibility for the information contained herein and makes no warranty as to the absolute accuracy of the elements displayed.
Active and Inactive Parcels
Parcel Identification Numbers (PINs) are based on geographic center points of a parcel. When a parcel has a boundary adjustment, the original PIN becomes inactive and a new PIN, based on a new center point, is created. Inactive PINs are displayed for the purpose of providing ancestor and descendent information. The data contained in an inactive PIN is data as of the change and does not necessarily reflect a final tax value.
Basic searches
Simple searches based on one item of information. Results of a Basic search is a Search Results List displaying 6 identifying fields for each qualifying record.
Advanced searches
Flexible search is based on a combination of multiple sets of criteria. Results of an Advanced search is a Search Results List displaying 10 identifying fields for each qualifying record.
Search criteria is additive. Results are properties where each of the selected criteria is true.
Example: Search for Parcel Status Active, Land Only, Acreage Greater than 500, and Marshall Tax District. Result is all active properties having no improvements AND having more than 500 acres AND are in the Marshall tax district.
View Record Details
Click any PIN in the Search Results List to view details for that record.
Sort and Filter the Search Result List
Sort the Search Result List by clicking the field ascending/descending sorting arrows at the top of the Search Results list.
Filter results by clicking Refine Search on the upper right side of the Search Results list, then clicking the + to add refining criteria.
Dashes are optional when entering PINs
Example: Search for PIN: "6925-44-5109-000" or "6925445109000". Both return the same property.
All searches, with the exception of Street Address, are "Starts with" searches.
Example: Search for PIN "692544". Result is all properties where the PIN starts with 692544.
Street Addresses are “Contains” searches
Example: Search for Address "OAK" in Street Name. Result is all properties where the street address contains OAK (i.e., RED OAK DR, OAK VIEW RD, ROYAL OAKS LN)
Owner names are formatted as Lastname, Firstname
Example: Search for Owner "SMITH, J". Result is all properties where one Owner Name starts with SMITH,J (i.e., Smith, John; Smith, Jane; Stone, John and Smith, Jane)
The % operator is a wildcard
Example: Search for Owner Name "SMITH%". Result is all properties where one Owner Name starts with SMITH (i.e., SMITH CATTLEDOGS LLC, but not WILLIAMS, SMITHIE; MR SMITH LLCS).
Example: Search Owner Name "%SMITH". Result is all properties containing the Owner Name SMITH (i.e., SMITH CATTLEDOGS LLC; WILLIAMS, SMITHIE; and MR SMITH LLCS).
Example: Search Owner Name "WILL%SMITH". Result is all properties starting with WILL and containing SMITH somewhere after WILL (i.e., WILLIAMS, SMITHIE, but not MR SMITH LLC or SMITH CATTLEDOGS LLC).
Example: Search Owner Name “M%SMITH%LLC”. Result is all properties starting with M and containing SMITH after M, and containing LLC after SMITH (i.e., MR SMITH LLCS, but not SMITH CATTLEDOGS LLC or WILLIAM, SMITHIE).